I feel kinda bad because i have not updated out blog in a long time. We have been really busy lately. We finally bought a house in Ivins. I do love having our own house! I was so tired of paying rent, i just felt like we could put our money towards our own mortgage instead of some one else's. But anyways Jaxon is about 3 1/2 months old now. Its crazy how time goes so fast. I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital and he was so little. Now he is about 15 pounds and 25 inches tall. He is in the 80th percentile for weight and height so he is fairly tall, who would have guessed we would have a tall child. A few weeks ago he started to want to stand. Not on his own of course but if you stand him up on his feet he can hold most of his weight. I am really surprised at how strong he is. His littler personality has really started to show. He is happy most of the time and laughs and giggles at almost anything, he is also ticklish. I just think how did i get so lucky to have such a happy baby. He hates tummy time, like really hates it. I think its because he likes to sit up and watch whats going on. He think he is a lot like Matt. Matt's mom said that he was just happy and laughing all the time. We have to go to his 4 month appointment soon and that means he has to get shots. I just hate it, last time i was a little teary, its so sad to watch. I just feel so lucky to be his mom, and honestly it seems weird that we went almost 3 years with out having him.

Jaxon with his great Grandpa on his blessing day!
He would laugh every time i brought him close to my face!