Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exiting news!!!

        ok so about 3 months ago matt applied at the port of entery in st. george (the one going south towards mesquite).  His cousin told us about it and we almost didn't apply (i dont know what we were thinking)  but we did.  He applied and he got his first interview and passed.  Then we went down to pheonix for a fitness test.  He passsed and then we just waited to hear.  We got a call for him to go down and take a poly graph test and another interview with the inspecter general.  He a passed both and we thought we had the job.  We heard nothing and it was kinda of sounding like they changed their mind.  We got a call about 2 weeks ago saying they forgot a test.  I was like you are kidding we were there 4 days last time and we could have easily done it then.  So he went down and took the test last week.  They said if he passed they were prepared to offer him the job!! Yeah exciting so all this week we have been waiting and waiting.  Yesterday he called the guy who is highering him and he said that there was a problem.  They had no information about matt and he was kind of upset. (not at us but at the state of arizona)  So we were kind of bummed.  But today matt got a call and they offered him the job.  He went down to fill out more paperwork and he is so exited.  He starts on saturday and will work tuesdays though saturdays.  He will have to go down to arizonia for 4 or 5 months but in the long run it will be so worth it.  I am so proud of him!!

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