Sunday, May 1, 2011

Glad to Be Home!!!

Well Matt and I have seriously been all over the south western United States in under 48 hours.  It was really insane.  This weekend we went with my boss to a dental convention in Reno Nevada.  It was fun but I am sure glad to be home.  It started out at 2 in the morning Friday morning.  We went to bed at midnight that night so we slept for about an hour.  I  am not really sure why we even went to be.  We did plan on sleeping on the way to Vegas in the van but everyone was talking so we really only got about an hour.  We borded a plane to San Fransisco where we had a lay over.  It was kind of bitter sweet because that is the closest to home Matt has been in about 3 years. I know he secretly wished we where just staying there but we got on a plane about an hour after landing and flew to Reno.  We got there about 1 but could not get in our rooms till 3 so we went to go get something to eat.  On the way there we went through down town and it was kinda scary.  We passed a store called the "Black Hole" which was a piercing shop.  It became a joke through the whole trip but i was an eye opener thats for sure.
We got in our rooms, unloaded our stuff and went down to the exhibit hall. It was cool to meet the people that we get our supply's from and learn about all the new products that are coming out. Matt was kind of bored but i think he had fun trying to collect as many pens as possible.  We stayed there till 7 and everyone of us was super beyond tired because all of us where running on about 3-4 hours of sleep or less.  My boss took us to dinner and it was so yummy.  We went to a buffet that was in our hotel.  It was really nice of them because the dinner cost was bout 20 dollars a person.  Then we went up to our room for much needed sleep
The next morning my boss and i had a class to take on Implant Supported Dentures.  Most of the information was completely over my head but it was cool to go to.  I think i was the only one in the class under 40.  After that we drove over to Virgina City.  It is where the Comstock mining boom was for silver.  They still have all the stores there and even wooden side walks!  It was cool to go visit and we ate some of the best food i have ever had there.  Here are some pictures:

Anyways after that we went to the airport and got on a plane to Phoenix AR, where our lay over was.  We actually flew over Las Vegas so it was kind of counter productive.  Then we got on a plane that was parked right next to the Arizona Cardinals plane, so that was kind of cool.  We got into Vegas and i was so happy we did not have to get on another plane.  We got home at about 1:30 so it was about 48 hours we where gone and we got total of 10 hours of sleep but it was fun.  I am sure glad to be home though, i don't want to go to work tomorrow though :(

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