Sunday, December 4, 2011

1 Week Down, 18 More to Go.

      Well Matt has completed one week of the police academy.  Honestly it was the longest week of my life, and probably is.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we talked for about 10 minutes.  It was so sad, he is so busy.  He gets up at 4 in the morning then gets home at a about 5 in the afternoon.  He has paper after paper to work on plus 60 tests between now and April.  He is also so stress. I have never seen anyone so stressed.  I just feel so bad for him.  It so hard to talk to him without crying because he is already so emotionally and physically broken down.  They told us the first 10 weeks are the hardest.  After that then they get go shooting, a week of a driving course.  He is so excited to get to do that.  I am excited for him too.  It has been kinda weird i feel like we are dating again.  It feels weird not to be living in the same house.
       I am going there for Christmas.  I am so excited to see him.  I just booked our hotel and flight.  I leave friday the 23rd and I have to come back on the 26th.  It will be short but it will so fun!!  I will be sad to leave because that will probably be the only time I get to go down there, so we won't see each other till April.  He graduates April 6th so I will probably go down there for his graduation and see him get his badge!!!  That seems so far away but I hope it will go by fast.

1 comment:

  1. Ashlee hang in there! My husband and I lived apart last Spring semester and it was probably the hardest thing ever. Something that I never want to do again but it was a sacrifice we both were willing to make. Good luck with everything and just think it's only temporary! I know that sounds easy coming from me who gets to see my husband everyday but I was in your shoes once and I definitely know how you are feeling! Keep yourself super busy and this time will fly! If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here!
