I am now 39 weeks. Am I even close to going into labor. ha ha no at all. I am not dilated at all, i have had no contractions. Its like my body is no getting the memo. Although I measure at 35 weeks instead of 39 weeks and when we did our ultra sound our baby is kinda on the smaller side. The doctor said he could have some kind of growth spurt the last few weeks so hopefully he grew a little. I am ready to be done though, I can't sleep at all, can't bend over and i just feel huge. Its just time i think but our little guy has other plans i guess. I even went on a hick the other day up the mountain behind our house. Did that help put me into labor. nope. :( I was hoping he would come before Christmas because Matt's two brothers and their wives are coming down and they don't get to come down that often so i was hoping they could meet him. I guess there is still time but i just don't think he is coming We did schedule and induction date for the 2nd of January That sounds like it is so far away to me but in reality its only a week from Wednesday. So he will deffinitly be here then if he isn't already. I have our nursery set up and it turned out so cute. I haven't taken any pictures yet but I will get around to it.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
39 Weeks!
I am now 39 weeks. Am I even close to going into labor. ha ha no at all. I am not dilated at all, i have had no contractions. Its like my body is no getting the memo. Although I measure at 35 weeks instead of 39 weeks and when we did our ultra sound our baby is kinda on the smaller side. The doctor said he could have some kind of growth spurt the last few weeks so hopefully he grew a little. I am ready to be done though, I can't sleep at all, can't bend over and i just feel huge. Its just time i think but our little guy has other plans i guess. I even went on a hick the other day up the mountain behind our house. Did that help put me into labor. nope. :( I was hoping he would come before Christmas because Matt's two brothers and their wives are coming down and they don't get to come down that often so i was hoping they could meet him. I guess there is still time but i just don't think he is coming We did schedule and induction date for the 2nd of January That sounds like it is so far away to me but in reality its only a week from Wednesday. So he will deffinitly be here then if he isn't already. I have our nursery set up and it turned out so cute. I haven't taken any pictures yet but I will get around to it.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
36 Weeks
We have a little less then 4 weeks till our due date!! I am really starting to feel very pregnant. We went to our 36 week appointment and everything went really well. We did an ultrasound to see how he was doing and I was kind of excited to see him! We have not done one since I was 18 weeks, so it has been a while. I was curious to see if his head was down or not and it is, thank goodness. I was worried he was going to be breach but everything was fine. The doctor did say that he was a little small, he is healthy but he won't be very big when he is born. He said we will be lucky if he reaches 7 pounds. We knew he was small but i didn't realize that he would still be small, i thought maybe he would have caught up but i guess not. So I want to try to keep him there as long as I can. I kinda wanted to go a week early or so just because I am ready to meet our little guy but also I am ready to be done being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, it has been so much fun feeling and watching him move and getting ready for him to get here but now I am ready for him to be here. We just had a baby shower and my mom and mother in-law did such a great job throwing it. We got a lot of great stuff and now i feel like if he came now we would have everything he would need. I just worry that I am not going to have something or I am going to realize, crap I should have already had that. I feel like my stomach is starting grow significantly bigger every day. Everyone says oh your not that big, but oh yes i am big. I can't bend over hardly, and i feel like my stomach just gets heavier and heavier every day, but its so worth it. I really feel so blessed to be parents soon.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
30 Weeks!
I am now 30 weeks. I can't believe it. Up till now everything has come so fast but now i am feeling like December is never going to get here. Although we still have a lot to do. I still need to get a crib and a few more things. I am getting excited to meet our little guy. I keep picturing what he might look like but i guess we won't know till we see him! He moves a lot at night and sometimes he has the hiccups. Its kinda cute but i don't think he like them that much. He starts moving like crazy. I feel like i am doing really good. I am tired a lot of the time but other then that i am good. I feel pretty lucky that I have had such a smooth pregnancy. I here about other people and their experience and i am just like seriously i feel so bad for you. I feel like my stomach is huge though. It is starting to get in the way of doing things. Laundry is the hardest. It is getting so hard to reach down in the washer to get the clothes out. but bending over is getting hard to. My stomach is just so big i feel like. Anyways here is a picture.
Weeks: 30
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
25 Weeks!!
I am now 25 weeks along. We had our 24 week appointment and everything is going good. I just love hearing the baby's heart beat. I am just so glad he is healthy. I have been sewing a lot. I actually made our crib bumper. I was a little nervous when i started out but I did it, and I was so glad I did. It turned out so cute. Now I just need to buy the crib sheet. I think we have a name but I don't really want to post it just in case we change our mind, but we pretty much can only come up with one name that we like so I think that will end up being it. I have not really had any cravings till just lately. My mother in law made some brownies and normally i will eat one but I would never just make brownies, their just not my thing. but ever since then I have made brownies twice. I think i am over it now but Matt thought I had lost my mind because I don't even like chocolate so it made no since. So I know I look huge, that's because i am. I asked the doctor if i was gaining to much weight but he said I am right on track.
Weeks: 25
Weight Gain: 15 :(
Sleep: It is getting harder to get comfortable. I am so big but our little guy turns into a wiggle monster!!!!
Belly Button: Its still an inny but its becoming more flattened out.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes!! They are so much more comfortable
Thursday, August 23, 2012
So about a year ago we bought a dog, she is a chihuahua. So we wanted a small dog so that's why we picked her. As a puppy she was so small and so cute! Well she did not stay small. She is probably 25+ pounds and she is as tall as a terrier. I seriously don't know what happened. She has the face of a Chihuahua but that's about it. The rest of her is anything but. Most of the time she drives me crazy, she eats EVERYTHING, and i mean everything. The other day she swallowed a whole sock. If we leave her in side we are sure to come home to a mess. It really gets old. She even chewed a corner of our new couch so i had to order a new cushion. ugh i was so mad. She also sheds like crazy. But we love her.
I am mostly writing this post to remind my self how much i really do love her. One morning when Matt and I got up we opened the door and she ran down stairs. Matt was a little bit behind her and she started to freak out. She was barking so loud, and she was growling. I had never seen her do this so I knew something was wrong. Matt runs down stairs and there was someone in our back yard. Once he saw Matt he walked out. So we thought maybe it was one of our neighbors that just opened the wrong gate. (all our houses look the same from the back so it would not be that hard to do.) Anyways so we just didn't think much of it. Then i went over to one of my neighbors and we got talking and she tells me that people have been walking around at night in people's back yards. No one knows who they are or what they are doing. So the cops have been riding bikes in our parking lot and have been patrolling a lot over here since. So now i was kinda freaked out. Our door is always locked and at night i look out the window to make sure there is no one in our back yard.
I am so glad we got a dog even though she is a little crazy. I never thought she would be a good guard dog because she loves people. but i was really proud of her. So if i had to do it all again i would still get Sadie.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Half Way There!
I am now over half way through my pregnancy!!! I really am starting to get anxious. I feel a little overwhelmed because I keep thinking about all the stuff i have to do. At 18 Weeks we did find out that it was a boy!!! I was a little surprised because i thought for sure it was a girl, but I am very excited to have a boy. I have bought a few little out fits and it just makes me more and more excited! We did have a little bit of a scare or problem the day after my ultra sound. I was at work and all of a sudden i felt this horrible pain on my left side. I could barley even stand up. The I started bleeding (sorry if to much info). So my mother-in-law took me to the emergency room. I just kept thinking what if there is something wrong with our little guy. I was so so worried. Thankfully they got there and the baby was fine! I was so relieved that it was something to do with me and not the baby. After a series of the the worst test possible they found out that something had burst in my digestive track, and it would just heal on its own. I was still in a lot of pain but after sitting on an IV for a few hours I was able to go home. When we got to the hospital i just kept thinking "i wish Matt was here" he was at work and hour a way. so i told him to just stay because there was nothing he could do. I thought he stayed but an hour and half later he walked in my room. I was so excited to see him. I just felt so much less stressed. My doctor gave me some medicine to help stop that from happening again and I have felt so much better. Right now I am 21 Weeks and serously i look huge. My friend is having a baby a few weeks before me and she is not even half as big as me. I don't get it. I try to eat healthy i snack on apples and yogurt and things like that. I never eat any icecream or anything like that. Maybe i eat to much snacks, i am not sure but I don't mind for our little guy. (sorry i really didn't get ready for this picutures i just took them)
Weeks: 21
Weight Gain: 12
Gender: Boy!!!!!
Anthony's Wedding
So last weekend Matt's brother Anthony got married in the Draper Temple. I was so excited for him to get married because he is the oldest brother. Matt and I were the first to get married on his side of the family. I knew his brother Anthony would not mind getting married to, i think he was ready he just had not found the right one yet. Also Matt's brother Nathan got married last year in El Salvador, So i think Anthony was feeling a little let down. but anyways, Their wedding was gorgeous. Nicole (the bride) was stunning, i just loved her dress. They make such a cute couple too!! I took some pictures, I am a little nervous about them because i look huge. I have gained 10 pounds so far in my pregnancy, i am now 21 weeks. I feel like its a lot, which it is, but i guess that's something you have to sacrifice for a baby!
Matt's Sister and Her Best Friend Minnie Moroco |
Anthony and Nicole!! |
The Family |
Our Friends Emil and Stephanie Moroco! |
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Plus 1
This December Matt and I will be welcoming a new addition to our family!! We are having a baby! Seriously I am so excited!! I was more nervous then excited till our second appointment but I can't wait. I feel like its all coming so fast. I feel kind of guilty because so far i have had an easy pregnancy compared to other people. I have had zero morning sickness or anything like that. I was afraid of that because i am not a very good sick person. Thankfully i have not been sick. I have mostly been tired, but that's getting better. The only thing that I have had a hard time with is my back. but that's OK i am not complaining. Our due date is December 25th. Its kinda funny it fell right on Christmas but its not very likely our baby will actually be due that day. I took a picture of my stomach and it makes me look huge. I don't think i am as big as it makes me look but it is cute!
Weeks: 14
Weight Gain: +5
Heart Beat: 150 (maybe its a girl, we will see in 4 weeks!!)
Cravings: Nope not really, but some food just does not taste as good
Sunday, June 10, 2012
SUU Graduation 2012
I finally graduated from SUU. I graduated with Bachelors in Criminal Justice with a Minor in Psychology. I am so glad I am done with school!! I was not really excited for graduation because i saw it as no big deal. My whole family came down to graduation and we had Costa Vida catered at my house so it ended up being a really fun day! Matt was able to get Saturday off so he could watch me graduate!
Matts Graduation
I know I am way behind in my blog posts but I am going to try and catch up!! So Matt finally graduated from the police academy and is home now!!! His graduation was so fun and I finally got to see what he has really been doing for 5 Months. He graduated April 6th. It seems like for ever ago. I drove down to phoenix with Matt's parents, sister, and grandmother. The ride was not as long as i thought it would be but sleep most of the time because i was so excited for Matt to come home I didn't get much sleep the nights before. I had been waiting for this day for 19 weeks.
The morning of his graduation we had to get up around 4:30 because we had to be there by 6 i the morning. They had morning ceremony and a night ceremony. In the morning we got to see them line up for inspection one last time. It was kind of intense. It was very military like. I was so proud of Matt. I could tell there was a change in him. I could tell he was ready to be a police officer!! We also got to walk around the academy and Matt showed us all the was to know about the academy. They were sworn in as Arizona Peace Officers and were congratulated by their instructors. (sorry there is a lot of pictures)
The morning of his graduation we had to get up around 4:30 because we had to be there by 6 i the morning. They had morning ceremony and a night ceremony. In the morning we got to see them line up for inspection one last time. It was kind of intense. It was very military like. I was so proud of Matt. I could tell there was a change in him. I could tell he was ready to be a police officer!! We also got to walk around the academy and Matt showed us all the was to know about the academy. They were sworn in as Arizona Peace Officers and were congratulated by their instructors. (sorry there is a lot of pictures)
Their class Flag |
Defensive Tactics Room |
At the ceremony later in the day they received their badges by their chiefs or some family member who is a police officer. Then they had someone that the officers picked pin on their badges. I got to pin on Matt's! I was exited but I was nervous. I don't know why but I was.
Matt with his bishop from the Ward he went to in Phoenix! |
Class Sargent |
Matt's Lieutenant |
Thursday, March 15, 2012
So I decided to take a cake decorating class at Joann's. Matt's parents bought it for me for Christmas. I was so excited but it didn't start till this month (march). It is every Thursday at 6:30. It is a lot of fun. I am in the beginner class so my cake is not super cool or anything but its still a cake!! Anyways here is my cake. We had the choice to do a fish design or a hamburger. I chose the Hamburger because everyone else did the fish.
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Don't mind that I look terrible we were there for 3 hours. |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Week 16!!
Matt is on week 16 out of 19!!!! I am so excited. He is doing so good in the Academy but I think he is ready to come home! I have flown down twice since Christmas. I went down Presidents day weekend in February. We had not seen each other in 8 weeks. It was so long. I can't believe we went that long without seeing each other. I am glad its over. We didn't really get to do much because he had a ton of home work and studying to do. But at least we were able to be together!! Then I had to come home after 3 days of being there. I did not want to leave. Saying good bye is the worst. But i knew i would be back in 3 weeks!! I flew down last Friday!! We had so much fun together. This time Matt still had homework but not as much so we decided to go to the Zoo. It was fun we spent all day there. So now Matt is on week 16. He has liked the academy but it has also been really hard. A few weeks ago they had to do this thing called Red Man. One Recruit (matt) is placed in a boxing ring with two Training officers. Then its full on two against one boxing and anything goes. No rules not nothing. Matt had to go against two officers that were over 200 pounds and over 6 feet tall. I felt so bad for him. He got beet up pretty bad. He sent me pictures and his face we bruised. It was terrible. Then the next week he had to get pepper sprayed. He said it was the worst thing ever. He said it was like getting a really bad sun burn and then being right next to the sun. His graduation is coming up and i am so excited to go. We get to see him post colors for one last time and then see him sworn in!! It also means he is coming home!!!! I am really proud of him. He really has grown a lot. Then he has two days off and starts work again at the port of entry!
Here are some pictures of our Zoo Trip!
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They just let this peacock roam through out the zoo. It not caged |
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Giant Tortus |
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