Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Half Way There!

           I am now over half way through my pregnancy!!! I really am starting to get anxious.  I feel a little overwhelmed because I keep thinking about all the stuff i have to do. At 18 Weeks we did find out that it was a boy!!! I was a little surprised because i thought for sure it was a girl, but I am very excited to have a boy.  I have bought a few little out fits and it just makes me more and more excited! We did have a little bit of a scare or problem the day after my ultra sound.  I was at work and all of a sudden i felt this horrible pain on my left side.  I could barley even stand up.  The I started bleeding (sorry if to much info). So my mother-in-law took me to the emergency room.  I just kept thinking what if there is something wrong with our little guy.  I was so so worried.  Thankfully they got there and the baby was fine! I was so relieved that it was something to do with me and not the baby.  After a series of the the worst test possible they found out that something had burst in my digestive track, and it would just heal on its own.  I was still in a lot of pain but after sitting on an IV for a few hours I was able to go home.  When we got to the hospital i just kept thinking "i wish Matt was here"  he was at work and hour a way.  so i told him to just stay because there was nothing he could do. I thought he stayed but an hour and half later he walked in my room.  I was so excited to see him. I just felt so much less stressed.  My doctor gave me some medicine to help stop that from happening again and I have felt so much better.  Right now I am 21 Weeks and serously i look huge.  My friend is having a baby a few weeks before me and she is not even half as big as me. I don't get it. I try to eat healthy i snack on apples and yogurt and things like that.  I never eat any icecream or anything like that.  Maybe i eat to much snacks, i am not sure but I don't mind for our little guy. (sorry i really didn't get ready for this picutures i just took them)

Weeks: 21
Weight Gain: 12
Gender: Boy!!!!!

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