Well Jaxon is now five and half months, Its crazy how fast the time has gone by. He has been sleeping really good at night which is so nice! We have been really busy since the last time i posted. We have been getting ready for Jaxon to get a helmet for his head shape. It sounds like we are over reacting but i promise he really needs it. On the back right of his head he has a huge flat spot and what it has started to do is push his for head out on the right side of his face. So if we don't do something the left side of his head would be really small and the other side really wide. We have been going to provo every week for the past 3 weeks. We had to take him up so they could send pictures to our insurance, then the next week they had to scan his head, then last week we actually got the helmet. Let me tell you this is really hard for me and Jaxon. I just feel so bad for the little guy because really its my fault. I let him sleep on the same side all the time, i tried and tried to get him to turn to the other but he didn't want to. I even got up at night to go switch him but it never lasted vary long. I should have tried harder or something. The helmet really does not hurt him it just really hot. And of course its over a hundred degrees outside here. Ugh. normally i love the heat but not right now. anyways I just feel so guilty because we can't go outside during the day or in the car because of the heat. so i feel like he has to live in this little bubble. I keep my air conditioner cooler then i normally would so he does not over heat. He has to get used to it slowly. the first day it was an hour on then hour off, then next day two hours on then one hour off. Today is the 3rd day and its 4 hours on and 1 hour off. eventually we have to get to 23 hours a day. Yeah i know its a lot, but the more he wears it the faster we can take it off for good! they said he will probably be in it for 9 weeks. We have to go up Monday for another fitting then every 3 weeks after that. Hopefully it will go by fast and it will all be over. I have to say i am pretty proud of the little guy. He has taken wearing the helmet all right. He gets a little fussy but really he is doing pretty good, probably better then me. He has figured out that he can hit his toys against his head, which is kinda funny. I found a company that makes designs to put on the helmets so i am excited about that. I have ordered them but they have to get measurements from me after we go to his fitting monday because they do adjustments and if you put time on before they will end up lop sided. Hopefully it will turn out cute, and we can make the best of it.
Other then our helmet adventure we have been loving summer. (besides the heat because of the whole helmet thing.) My sisters came down for a week and it was so much fun. My grandma took them to mesquite for a couple of nights and Jaxon and I went down one day to go swimming. He loved it once he got over the shock of getting in the pool. It was so fun and he slashed and played around in the pool then took a long nap.
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