This year for Christmas we did things a little bit different. This year I flew down to Arizona to see Matt!! I was so excited but I was so sick the day before. It was terrible and I was worried that I was not going to be able to go see him. Thankfully I felt better that day kinda. I was still puking a little but I didn't let that stop me. I flew out from Las Vegas on the Friday before Christmas but I had to take a flight to Salt Lake and then fly to Phoenix. It was kind of a long day but totally worth it. We had a lot fun even though we were so far from home. Christmas eve we went to Red Lobster. It was so good but i didn't feel good so i didn't eat that much. Christmas morning we went over to Matt's Bishops house for breakfast. Seriously it was the best breakfast i have ever had. They were so nice to us. They even got Matt and I a stocking. I was not expecting them to make us feel so at home. It really did not feel like Christmas till we went over. The missionaries were also over there and it was fun to talk to them about their mission so far and where they are from. I had to leave on Monday. I didn't want to leave because I knew that it would be 6 more weeks till i get to see Matt again. It was not to bad saying good by but i missed Matt the second i left. He only has 14 more weeks now and I am so excited. I can't wait till he gets to come home. I wish I would have taken my new camera I got from my mom for Christmas but I forgot it.
This year went by so fast for me. So much has happened for Matt and I . Matt graduated from college in may and I graduated this semester. I won't walk till may but I am done with all my classes. I graduated a semester early and I am so glad because I don't think I could do another semester. We got a puppy. She drives me nuts most of the time but i am glad i have some company. Matt started two new jobs. One last February at learn key, and then in October he started his job as a Police Officer at the port of entry in St. George. We moved to a new apartment in the middle of the semester. I think we were crazy because my grades took a hit that week but I love our new apartment. Matt moved to Phoenix. I feel like we did a lot in one year. This next year should be exciting for us.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Graduation and 3 weeks down!
Well I finished my last semester at SUU, or at least I hope I did. I passed all my classes with A's except for one. I finished with a D+. There is a long story to it. It was an online class through the new canvas system. I missed the third test in the class and one assignment. This was around the time that Matt was getting ready to move to Arizona. It was a stressful time for us because he just started a new job, we just moved, he was working full time, I was working full time, and going to school full time. There was so much stuff we had to do to get him ready to leave. He had to get a whole new wardrobe or uniform and a hole bunch of other things. It was extremely stressful. I was already having a hard time with school and work. So adding this whole thing was really hard for me. I had many tears about how stressed i was. I just missed the test so I talked to my professor about what i could do but the canvas system still said I had an 89%. I didn't really get how that worked but my teacher said since you have a good grade still lets just let it go. So i was like OK. But after I took the final test I got an email from him saying that I needed to check off this little box in the grading system and it would probably affect my grade a bit. Well that was an understatement. Once i unclicked it my grade was a 66.1%. I just started to cry because that would mean i would not get the credit and get a bad grade on my transcript. So i emailed him about it and he told me to write a paper about some extra volunteer work that I did with the 4H program. I was so thankful. This does not mean i will pass but i have a chance. Seriously I think I will cry either way. I am so ready to graduate. My life has been a little too stressful working full time and going to school. It really is hard but hopefully I graduate and can focus on my job, which i love.
So Matt has 3 weeks down and 16 more to go. Surprisingly it has gone by really fast. Each day goes by slow especially at night but overall its flown by. This time next week I will be down there. I want it to come fast and then have time to slow down. I know that's not possible but i really just want to be able to be with my husband. I really miss holding his hand or just watching a movie. I hate being alone but this is what is best for us right now but we just have to sacrifice a little.
Just as a little side note, our dog Sadie was spayed on Thursday. I felt so bad when I dropped her off. I could tell she was scared to be there and didn't want to stay. She did good during her surgery and she is doing really well now. She has a hard time getting up and down our stairs but i am surprised that she wants to play as much as she does. I thought she would be more incapacitated. I am glad we got a dog because when she stayed the night at the vet it was so quite here. So I am glad i have some company. Here is some pictures of our little puppy! Sorry there is so many pictures, i send a lot to matt.
So Matt has 3 weeks down and 16 more to go. Surprisingly it has gone by really fast. Each day goes by slow especially at night but overall its flown by. This time next week I will be down there. I want it to come fast and then have time to slow down. I know that's not possible but i really just want to be able to be with my husband. I really miss holding his hand or just watching a movie. I hate being alone but this is what is best for us right now but we just have to sacrifice a little.
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Snuggled on the Couch |
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Playing With a shoe |
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Sadie when we first got her |
Sunday, December 4, 2011
1 Week Down, 18 More to Go.
Well Matt has completed one week of the police academy. Honestly it was the longest week of my life, and probably is. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we talked for about 10 minutes. It was so sad, he is so busy. He gets up at 4 in the morning then gets home at a about 5 in the afternoon. He has paper after paper to work on plus 60 tests between now and April. He is also so stress. I have never seen anyone so stressed. I just feel so bad for him. It so hard to talk to him without crying because he is already so emotionally and physically broken down. They told us the first 10 weeks are the hardest. After that then they get go shooting, a week of a driving course. He is so excited to get to do that. I am excited for him too. It has been kinda weird i feel like we are dating again. It feels weird not to be living in the same house.
I am going there for Christmas. I am so excited to see him. I just booked our hotel and flight. I leave friday the 23rd and I have to come back on the 26th. It will be short but it will so fun!! I will be sad to leave because that will probably be the only time I get to go down there, so we won't see each other till April. He graduates April 6th so I will probably go down there for his graduation and see him get his badge!!! That seems so far away but I hope it will go by fast.
I am going there for Christmas. I am so excited to see him. I just booked our hotel and flight. I leave friday the 23rd and I have to come back on the 26th. It will be short but it will so fun!! I will be sad to leave because that will probably be the only time I get to go down there, so we won't see each other till April. He graduates April 6th so I will probably go down there for his graduation and see him get his badge!!! That seems so far away but I hope it will go by fast.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Police Academy
Well Tuesday Matt found out that he is going to the police academy in Arizona on Sunday. It's kind of quick I know. He was on the waiting list to get in if someone dropped out and some one did! Tuesday I was kind of emotional about it because that means he will be gone till the end of April. I am also nervous for him because it like going to boot camp, really it is intense. But I am proud of him for getting in and I am excited for him.
This week has been a bit stressful because we have to get Matts stuff all ready to go. Everything has to be to the T, really that an understatement. His gym shorts have to be navy blue with a logo that is no bigger then a quarter, only white plain t shirts to run in. Gray dress pants with a crease and no cuff on the pants, and the list goes on and on and on.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is paying for his housing (in the Marriott), food (room service anytime) and they are sending him down with a car, gas card, and a phone. So really we don't have to pay for anything which is great!! He will get to come home for Christmas we think but we really are not sure. I will miss him but it will be so worth it when he is done!!
By the way i don't know why "matt and ashlee" comes up twice on the picture i have tried to get it off.
This week has been a bit stressful because we have to get Matts stuff all ready to go. Everything has to be to the T, really that an understatement. His gym shorts have to be navy blue with a logo that is no bigger then a quarter, only white plain t shirts to run in. Gray dress pants with a crease and no cuff on the pants, and the list goes on and on and on.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is paying for his housing (in the Marriott), food (room service anytime) and they are sending him down with a car, gas card, and a phone. So really we don't have to pay for anything which is great!! He will get to come home for Christmas we think but we really are not sure. I will miss him but it will be so worth it when he is done!!
By the way i don't know why "matt and ashlee" comes up twice on the picture i have tried to get it off.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Many Changes
Well my last post I told everyone about matt's new job! He loves it and I am so glad he does. He hated his old job and he only worked 2 hours a day so his pay checks were not very big. I am glad he now is working a full time job because it takes a lot of pressure off me to make sure the rent and bills get paid. Seriously it has been a relief.
We have also moved!! Yes finally and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our new apartment. Our old one was alright and really if it was not so cheap we would not have been able to make it our first year and half of marriage. We really had some hard times but we managed to barley make it. Our new apartment is much nicer though and we have our own washer and dryer. I was so tired of sharing and only being able to wash on tuesdays and fridays
This semester is almost over and it is my last!! I am so ready to be done with school. I just have a few more big assignments to do and then it will be over. I will graduate with my Bachelors in Criminal Justice with a minor in psychology. Yay!!!
Anyways sorry this post so random but I just thought I would update everyone about all the changes in our life :).
We have also moved!! Yes finally and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our new apartment. Our old one was alright and really if it was not so cheap we would not have been able to make it our first year and half of marriage. We really had some hard times but we managed to barley make it. Our new apartment is much nicer though and we have our own washer and dryer. I was so tired of sharing and only being able to wash on tuesdays and fridays
This semester is almost over and it is my last!! I am so ready to be done with school. I just have a few more big assignments to do and then it will be over. I will graduate with my Bachelors in Criminal Justice with a minor in psychology. Yay!!!
Anyways sorry this post so random but I just thought I would update everyone about all the changes in our life :).
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Exiting news!!!
ok so about 3 months ago matt applied at the port of entery in st. george (the one going south towards mesquite). His cousin told us about it and we almost didn't apply (i dont know what we were thinking) but we did. He applied and he got his first interview and passed. Then we went down to pheonix for a fitness test. He passsed and then we just waited to hear. We got a call for him to go down and take a poly graph test and another interview with the inspecter general. He a passed both and we thought we had the job. We heard nothing and it was kinda of sounding like they changed their mind. We got a call about 2 weeks ago saying they forgot a test. I was like you are kidding we were there 4 days last time and we could have easily done it then. So he went down and took the test last week. They said if he passed they were prepared to offer him the job!! Yeah exciting so all this week we have been waiting and waiting. Yesterday he called the guy who is highering him and he said that there was a problem. They had no information about matt and he was kind of upset. (not at us but at the state of arizona) So we were kind of bummed. But today matt got a call and they offered him the job. He went down to fill out more paperwork and he is so exited. He starts on saturday and will work tuesdays though saturdays. He will have to go down to arizonia for 4 or 5 months but in the long run it will be so worth it. I am so proud of him!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I feel like I have not updated our blog in so long. Its really only been like 3 weeks but so much has happened. We got a puppy!! We have wanted a dog for so long but our land lords would not let us have one. We bought one at walmart and decided we were probably moving soon. We got her and our landlords said we have been good tenants and they would trust us with a dog!! Seriously best news ever. Our dog is half chihuahua and half something else. She is so cute and her name is Sadie!! She is a lot of work to say the least but we love her!
We have to take another trip to Arizona. Matt has to take another test, this one is a psychic analysis. I am kinda bugged cause we were down there 3 days and two days we had nothing to do. If they were going to do this why didn't they have us do it then. I am not sure i am going this time or not because we are poor and I need to stay and work. I have been so thankful that Matt and I have saving cause we would not have been able to make all these trips to Arizona. They said that if he passes this test then they will officially offer him the job!!! I am so excited and I am so proud of him. We will be moving down to st. George and we have started to look for housing. Housing there is so much more expensive than cedar city. So if anyone has any suggestions for housing feel free too.
We have to take another trip to Arizona. Matt has to take another test, this one is a psychic analysis. I am kinda bugged cause we were down there 3 days and two days we had nothing to do. If they were going to do this why didn't they have us do it then. I am not sure i am going this time or not because we are poor and I need to stay and work. I have been so thankful that Matt and I have saving cause we would not have been able to make all these trips to Arizona. They said that if he passes this test then they will officially offer him the job!!! I am so excited and I am so proud of him. We will be moving down to st. George and we have started to look for housing. Housing there is so much more expensive than cedar city. So if anyone has any suggestions for housing feel free too.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Round 2
Monday Matt and I found out that we are going to Phoenix this Friday!! I am excited to go this time around because it's Matt second interview for a job. We are leaving Friday morning at around 3am, we really don't have to leave till for but if we say three then we might actually get out the door by 4am. He has to be in Phoenix for his interview at 3:00pm. We are staying till Tuesday because on Tuesday he has a polygraph test, extensive medical exam (2 hours long), blood testing, drug test, and a bunch of paperwork to fill out. I really hope he gets this job so we can move on with our lives, i sometimes feel we are stuck in a rut. If he does then we will be moving to st. george. I am excited to move but I am a little nervous. I am still going to school here and working so I would have to drive everyday but at least i will be done in December. I am also worried about when Matt goes to P.O.S.T. he will be gone for a little over 4 months. I can't go with him because the company would pay his housing, food, gas, and all that. Which is a great thing and such a relief money wise but he will have a room mate living with him who is also going through post. I know its only 4 months and we have eternity together but I am still not excited about it. I am also excited to get one last little vacation out of it. I really want to lay out at the pool and just relax for a few days. I also think we are going to visit the Mesa Arizona temple. Anyways it will be a fun trip and I hope Matt gets this job!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Grandpa Don
I have been meaning to post this for a while but I just did not want to relive this experience. Last wednesday was a really rough day to say the least. Around 3:30 I get a call from matt at work, I knew something was up because he never calls my work because I don't have cell phone service so he has to call the office. I get on the phone and he says, "my grandpa just died." I didn't know what to say. I just told him I was leaving right now so we could go to the hospital together. I was in shock, but I was not the only one. On the way to hospital we didn't really say much. We talked a little bit about Grandpa Don and fought back tears.
We arrived at the hospital just a few minutes later. It was hard to see everyone crying and it just made me cry even more. I really started crying when I saw Matt's mom and her sisters. Having lost my dad too, I knew what they were going through and how much anxiety, sadness, loneliness, and heartbreak comes with such an experience. We didn't really know what happened, we only knew that there had been a car accident. Matt's mom was telling us about Grandma Jean and the condition she was in. It was really hard for her not only to loose her husband but she couldn't breath very well and crying just made it worse. We sat outside the emergency room for a while because they didn't want so many people back there so fast. Matt and Tyler (matts cousin) and Uncle Tom went back to give Grandma Jean a Blessing! Matt told me that the blessing uncle tome gave was so amazing! He was so happy that he was able to participate.
A while later I went back. I was kind of nervous but I really wanted to see Matt and Grandma Jean and also Grandpa Don. Matt was still kinda in shock. I went in by my self to see Grandpa Don and it was so hard. Not only to see him lying there but I just went back to when my dad died. It was so hard. I haven't let my self think about in such a long time. I just started crying. But I was still trying to put it in the back of my mind.
It was so hard to watch Matt's grandma in and say good by to her sweet heart. They really were meant for each other. They hadn't been apart for many many years. I really want to be like them and how close they were to each other. It really was cute to see them together! Once Jean said good by it was like a heavy blanket lifted. I was talking to Matt and it was kinda like Matt's grandpa's spirit was lingering until Matt's grandma said goodbye. You kind of had to be there to feel it but after that there was less crying and people could gather themselves together. (people were still sad of course)
So while we were waiting for X-rays to come back for Grandma Jean and aunt Kathleen we asked what happened. Matt's grandparents were driving back from St. George (grandma was driving) and they got off the exit in cedar by walmart. They were making a left hand turn but they were following a trailer. Grandma went to turn and a car slammed into the passenger side but up by the engine. The air bags went off any everything. Matt's grandpa was taken to the hospital after being shocked serveral time in the street. The doctors said that there was a lot of internal bleeding and that it happened really quick, in a matter of seconds Grandma Jean and aunt Kathleen were taken to the hospital in a separate abulance together. Jean now has two broken ribs, a broken sternum, and broken bones in her hands which she just had operated on a few days ago.
The funeral was Friday because Matt's parents flew out to El Salvador to see Nate get married there. The funeral was great. I cried through the whole thing. There were so many things i didn't know about Grandpa Don. He was such a great man! He loved his family so much. One thing that i loved about him was that he was always happy to see you and he always treated me like part of the family. He also loved to do magic. I never actually got to see him perform magic because his hands could not perform like they used to but i heard he was really good. The hardest part for me was at the barial sight and people were telling stories about Don. Jean was the last one to get up and she mentioned how Don would tell her how beautiful she was, especially this last month. It was so tender and I loved that he still thought she was so beautiful after 50+ years of marriage. Through his whole life everything he did was for his family. I am really going to miss him and his smile.
The Saturday before the accident we got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa McCulley and I am so glad we did. We went up in the mountain with them and some other people in the family to gather fire wood for them this winter. We almost didn't go because the day before we got back from Arizona and we were so tired, but it was so much fun and it is even more special now. I really got to know Matt's extended family better and give service to Matt's grandparents. Here are just some pictures of Grandpa Don and that Saturday
We arrived at the hospital just a few minutes later. It was hard to see everyone crying and it just made me cry even more. I really started crying when I saw Matt's mom and her sisters. Having lost my dad too, I knew what they were going through and how much anxiety, sadness, loneliness, and heartbreak comes with such an experience. We didn't really know what happened, we only knew that there had been a car accident. Matt's mom was telling us about Grandma Jean and the condition she was in. It was really hard for her not only to loose her husband but she couldn't breath very well and crying just made it worse. We sat outside the emergency room for a while because they didn't want so many people back there so fast. Matt and Tyler (matts cousin) and Uncle Tom went back to give Grandma Jean a Blessing! Matt told me that the blessing uncle tome gave was so amazing! He was so happy that he was able to participate.
A while later I went back. I was kind of nervous but I really wanted to see Matt and Grandma Jean and also Grandpa Don. Matt was still kinda in shock. I went in by my self to see Grandpa Don and it was so hard. Not only to see him lying there but I just went back to when my dad died. It was so hard. I haven't let my self think about in such a long time. I just started crying. But I was still trying to put it in the back of my mind.
It was so hard to watch Matt's grandma in and say good by to her sweet heart. They really were meant for each other. They hadn't been apart for many many years. I really want to be like them and how close they were to each other. It really was cute to see them together! Once Jean said good by it was like a heavy blanket lifted. I was talking to Matt and it was kinda like Matt's grandpa's spirit was lingering until Matt's grandma said goodbye. You kind of had to be there to feel it but after that there was less crying and people could gather themselves together. (people were still sad of course)
So while we were waiting for X-rays to come back for Grandma Jean and aunt Kathleen we asked what happened. Matt's grandparents were driving back from St. George (grandma was driving) and they got off the exit in cedar by walmart. They were making a left hand turn but they were following a trailer. Grandma went to turn and a car slammed into the passenger side but up by the engine. The air bags went off any everything. Matt's grandpa was taken to the hospital after being shocked serveral time in the street. The doctors said that there was a lot of internal bleeding and that it happened really quick, in a matter of seconds Grandma Jean and aunt Kathleen were taken to the hospital in a separate abulance together. Jean now has two broken ribs, a broken sternum, and broken bones in her hands which she just had operated on a few days ago.
The funeral was Friday because Matt's parents flew out to El Salvador to see Nate get married there. The funeral was great. I cried through the whole thing. There were so many things i didn't know about Grandpa Don. He was such a great man! He loved his family so much. One thing that i loved about him was that he was always happy to see you and he always treated me like part of the family. He also loved to do magic. I never actually got to see him perform magic because his hands could not perform like they used to but i heard he was really good. The hardest part for me was at the barial sight and people were telling stories about Don. Jean was the last one to get up and she mentioned how Don would tell her how beautiful she was, especially this last month. It was so tender and I loved that he still thought she was so beautiful after 50+ years of marriage. Through his whole life everything he did was for his family. I am really going to miss him and his smile.
The Saturday before the accident we got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa McCulley and I am so glad we did. We went up in the mountain with them and some other people in the family to gather fire wood for them this winter. We almost didn't go because the day before we got back from Arizona and we were so tired, but it was so much fun and it is even more special now. I really got to know Matt's extended family better and give service to Matt's grandparents. Here are just some pictures of Grandpa Don and that Saturday
Grandpa Don (this one is my favorite) |
Aunt Kathleen |
Donna (Matts Mom) |
Aunt Karen |
Matt and Me using a Chain Saw |
Add caption |
Uncle Bob and Jason |
Aunt Karen |
My Pink Gloves! |
Grandma Jean, Kathleen, and Karen |
Me and Amy (matts sister) I don't know how to turn it right ways |
Me and Matt! |
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday, Home sweet home (kinda)
Today was a long day to say the least. We got up at 4:00 and went to Matt's PT test. He did so good. He passed all the tests and everything. Then we went back to our hotel, ate breakfast, and headed home. We left around 10:30. I am glad to come home but i was sad to leave to. It was a bitter sweet feeling. Matt and i grew so much closer during this trip. It may be due to the fact that we were stuck driving together for over 20 hours but it really didn't seam that long. we have so much fun together and i am glad we have each other. We got to cedar city at about 6:30pm. We only stopped once to fill up gas! we had brought a cooler with food so we only at out twice the hole trip which saved a lot of money. It really was a fun little vacation even though we spent most of the time in the car. On the way home we mostly discussed if he was offered both jobs and which one he should take. Of course there is a chance he won't get either of them but we have a good feeling about both. Each have their pros and cons and it will seriously be a hard decision. Hopefully he will have a job soon!
We are going up in the mountain to get fire wood for Matts grandparents tomorrow with most of his extended family. It should be fun, we will probably be tired but that's all right. It will give us a chance to do something for Matt's grandparents and time with family.
We are going up in the mountain to get fire wood for Matts grandparents tomorrow with most of his extended family. It should be fun, we will probably be tired but that's all right. It will give us a chance to do something for Matt's grandparents and time with family.
Thursday, 8.11.2011
Today was our day off from everything. We got to do what ever we wanted!! We slept in and it was so nice. I love our hotel. It is probably the nicest hotel i have ever stayed in. I also love having a king bed. We ate breakfast and went shopping. I bought a pair of shoes and that was it. but shopping was more of something to do we didn't really shop shop. Anyways then we came back to our hotel to rest and then we went to the Sea Life Aquarium. It was so fun and we saw some way cool animals. then we just went back to our hotel and went to sleep, we were so tired and we had to get up at 4 in the morning!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday: 8.10.2011
Well Matt and I have had the adventure. Matt had to be at the police station in moab at 8 in the morning. So we head out at like 7:40 thinking we will have plenty of time to get there. We borrowed a TomTom from my grandparents and it was telling us to go the wrong way. (at this point i had not figured out how to use it) it was telling us to leave moab and Matt wanted to listen to it and i was like no way we have to find center street. so finally we found where we were going! He got there just in time and did the physical test and he did so good. I was so proud of him. It ended at 9:40 and he had to be back for an interview at 10:20 we had not even packed or anything yet. So we showered packed and got everything in the car by 10:10 (we just wanted to leave after the interview) we were pushing it cause it is better be early to an interview than be late. He got there and the other guy in head of Matt was still interviewing! Matt went in for his interview and he said at first it was not going so good, but somehow he mentioned that my dad was a cop and my step dad is a cop. They asked my dads name and i guess all the people interviewing Matt knew my dad personally. I thought that was so cool but it also opened up a window for Matt to actually talk with the officers and not just answer questions. He talked with them for about 45 minutes and than the chief came and in talked to him for a while. that has never happened before so hopefully that's a good sign!
After the interview we headed to pheonix. It was such a long ride. We had tomtom working by then until i started driving. Matt hit a button and suddenly it was going to take 30 hours to get to phoenix. Thankfully i had printed off a directions from mapquest so we fallowed that. We were about half way and we stopped to get gas. We were in line to put gas in our car when the car in front of us pulled out so we started pulling in. This lady drove right passed us and cut us in line. She also did not go to the farthest open pump she stopped at the first one so no one else could get gas. i was just like are you kidding me, are you seriously that concerned with only yourself. Anyways we got gas and kept driving. We stopped at flagstaff to eat dinner. We were charged for an extra sandwich so we had way to much food but i had the chance to give it to someone less fortunate. I was glad i could help someone. I always want to help people but i don't really ever take the opportunity, but i am trying to work on it. By now we only had about 120 miles left!! I was worried about my car making it the whole way with out breaking down or over heating and it had no problems at all. I was so relieved! We finally got to our hotel at 8:00 and it is so nice. Its probably the nicest hotel i have ever stayed at. I love it, we are considering staying another night just to stay!! Thursday we get to have a day of relaxing. I think we are going shopping (mostly just for something to do) and we are going to an aqurium that i have tickets for! It should be a fun day :) ( sorry to who ever is reading this i am mostly just posting to keep a journal of our trip)
After the interview we headed to pheonix. It was such a long ride. We had tomtom working by then until i started driving. Matt hit a button and suddenly it was going to take 30 hours to get to phoenix. Thankfully i had printed off a directions from mapquest so we fallowed that. We were about half way and we stopped to get gas. We were in line to put gas in our car when the car in front of us pulled out so we started pulling in. This lady drove right passed us and cut us in line. She also did not go to the farthest open pump she stopped at the first one so no one else could get gas. i was just like are you kidding me, are you seriously that concerned with only yourself. Anyways we got gas and kept driving. We stopped at flagstaff to eat dinner. We were charged for an extra sandwich so we had way to much food but i had the chance to give it to someone less fortunate. I was glad i could help someone. I always want to help people but i don't really ever take the opportunity, but i am trying to work on it. By now we only had about 120 miles left!! I was worried about my car making it the whole way with out breaking down or over heating and it had no problems at all. I was so relieved! We finally got to our hotel at 8:00 and it is so nice. Its probably the nicest hotel i have ever stayed at. I love it, we are considering staying another night just to stay!! Thursday we get to have a day of relaxing. I think we are going shopping (mostly just for something to do) and we are going to an aqurium that i have tickets for! It should be a fun day :) ( sorry to who ever is reading this i am mostly just posting to keep a journal of our trip)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday: Day 1
So the first day of our trip was probably the longest days ever but it still was kind of fun! We were aiming to leave cedar city at about 6:00pm but we didn't end up leaving till 7:30. That was ok, we just knew we were in for a long night. The first part of the trip went by so fast i seriously don't even know were the time went. We stopped by matt's parents house to print of some tickets to go to the aquarium in phoenix and then we stopped at a gas station in richfield and saw my mom and my little sister. The drive from Richfield to Green River went by so fast. Matt and I played 20 questions and seriously i am the best at that game. Matt could not figure out what i was thinking of! We didn't get tired till around 11:30 and that was about the time we turned off I-70 to get to moab. (we still had 30 miles). We have a tom tom but it said we would be there at 11:30 so i think we got so tired is because mentally we thought we woud be there but still had 30 more minutes. that 30 minutes felt like days, it was not fun! We finally go to our hotel and just went straight to bed. I had a hard time sleeping and i slept until 4am and then i woke up and just could not get back to sleep. I was so tired and stressed and had such a bad headache and all i wanted to do was sleep but i just couldn't. Around 5:45 i was just crying and having a break down, matt came over and calmed me down, put his arm around me and i fell straight to sleep. I felt bad cause he had to get up a half hour later (so did i but i was not concerned about me, kinda) I really do have such a sweet husband and I love him so much. Over all it was a good day just a long night will little sleep and 8 hours of driving on wednesday
Thursday, August 4, 2011
What do we do?
Ok so Matt has been applying for jobs all over. He has tested and interviewed at all of them but he just has not been one of the top 3. He always gets in like the top ten, which is good and i am so proud of him cause he works so hard staying in shape. but he just has not got a job yet.
He has recently applied for a port of entry officer position and an officer position in Moab. We got an email saying that we have to be in Phoenix Arizona on the 12th at 5:30 in the morning (which is a Friday) So we where planning on going down the 11th and staying 3 nights there to kind of make a little vacation out of it. But then we get a call from Moab saying that we have to be there at 8:00 in the morning (that's Wednesday). I don't know if you have realized but we have to be in moab and two days later we have to be in phoenix. Thats so much traveling and so much money in hotels and gas, plus missing 3 days of work. Of course i could not go with Matt but he is a horrible navigator and seriously it is just a bad idea to send him that far alone. There is a high chance that he will get the port of entry job but there is always the chance he won't and there is a low chance he will get the one in Moab but there is always a chance he will. So we don't want to pass up a job opportunity but it will just be so hard on our budget and our sanity. We know that a lot of people that are already certified applyed to moab because they are doing a whole separate day of testing for them. So why would they higher someone they have to pay to certify it just does not make any sense. Also i don't know if anyone has checked recently but to get a hotel in moab is expensive, our hotel in phoenix is less. I just feel like we are just putting a lot of money out there but i guess if thats what we have to do to get a job then thats what we will do. I will probably go into work on Saturday to make up for days missed but still its not going to be fun.
I am trying to think of plus side things, one good thing is that matt and i will have about 20 hours of time to sit and talk to each other. And we have a whole day in phoenix that we can spend doing what ever we want so i think we are going to Castles and coasters and an aquarium, and laying out by the pool!! It will be a long 3-4 days but hopefully we can make the best of it and get a job!!!!!
He has recently applied for a port of entry officer position and an officer position in Moab. We got an email saying that we have to be in Phoenix Arizona on the 12th at 5:30 in the morning (which is a Friday) So we where planning on going down the 11th and staying 3 nights there to kind of make a little vacation out of it. But then we get a call from Moab saying that we have to be there at 8:00 in the morning (that's Wednesday). I don't know if you have realized but we have to be in moab and two days later we have to be in phoenix. Thats so much traveling and so much money in hotels and gas, plus missing 3 days of work. Of course i could not go with Matt but he is a horrible navigator and seriously it is just a bad idea to send him that far alone. There is a high chance that he will get the port of entry job but there is always the chance he won't and there is a low chance he will get the one in Moab but there is always a chance he will. So we don't want to pass up a job opportunity but it will just be so hard on our budget and our sanity. We know that a lot of people that are already certified applyed to moab because they are doing a whole separate day of testing for them. So why would they higher someone they have to pay to certify it just does not make any sense. Also i don't know if anyone has checked recently but to get a hotel in moab is expensive, our hotel in phoenix is less. I just feel like we are just putting a lot of money out there but i guess if thats what we have to do to get a job then thats what we will do. I will probably go into work on Saturday to make up for days missed but still its not going to be fun.
I am trying to think of plus side things, one good thing is that matt and i will have about 20 hours of time to sit and talk to each other. And we have a whole day in phoenix that we can spend doing what ever we want so i think we are going to Castles and coasters and an aquarium, and laying out by the pool!! It will be a long 3-4 days but hopefully we can make the best of it and get a job!!!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This summer seams so much harder then last summer. I think back to last summer and life just seamed to go by so much smoother. I don't get it. Our house is hotter then ever and i thought when we moved in it would be cooler down her in a basement but i was oh so wrong. Last summer Matt and i made quite a bit more money because he was working like 3 times as much as he now. now he only gets like 2 to 3 hours a day which is not much. It just seams like we have more bills this year and making less money. This is a bad thing. Matt and I try so hard to keep our credit card paid off and put money in savings which we are still doing but it just seams like our money is just vanishing and neither of us is really spending it. (we do have money from 3 of Matt's pay checks that we have not used because we just really want to save so that's maybe why it feels like we don't have money when we really do, Please don't think we are super poor and starving cause we aren't i just need to vent my frustration.)
One thing that i really wish for is that Matt could find a career job. He just graduated so i know i have to be patient but it feels like we are just stuck. I feel like we are not moving forward or backward we are just here. I know it takes time to get a job so hopefully he will soon! I really like my job and i am good at it so if he could get a job here that would be awesome but i don't think that will happen, but i am glad i get to do something i like and i am able to make enough money to pay rent, which is my whole pay check but at least it gets paid. (i know that was a really long run on sentence) anyways i feel better now, i think i just needed to vent a little.
One thing that i really wish for is that Matt could find a career job. He just graduated so i know i have to be patient but it feels like we are just stuck. I feel like we are not moving forward or backward we are just here. I know it takes time to get a job so hopefully he will soon! I really like my job and i am good at it so if he could get a job here that would be awesome but i don't think that will happen, but i am glad i get to do something i like and i am able to make enough money to pay rent, which is my whole pay check but at least it gets paid. (i know that was a really long run on sentence) anyways i feel better now, i think i just needed to vent a little.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
A few weekends ago it was my 21st birthday and Matt and I went to st. George and went shopping ! It was so fun! Matt was so cute and he did not complain at all he just pretended he really liked shopping :) we both got some clothes and some yummy food!! It really was such a great birthday!!
Tomorrow I think we are going to my grand parents! I have not been there for so long. At first we were not going to go but my grandma called and I just could not sat no I just felt so bad so I said that we are comming. It should be fun I think!
Tonight we went running and seriously i want to be a runner but i am not sure i will ever be. We ran down to Wendy's and back and around campus. It does not sound like that far but for me it was. I was running a lot like a month ago but i was running just around our block and its on a hill and after a while i got this huge bump on the side of my knee so i went to the doctor and its like an inflamed something that i cant remember but its from running up and down hills. Retarded i know and that would only happen to me but hopefully i can get in shape with Matt running with me!
Tomorrow I think we are going to my grand parents! I have not been there for so long. At first we were not going to go but my grandma called and I just could not sat no I just felt so bad so I said that we are comming. It should be fun I think!
Tonight we went running and seriously i want to be a runner but i am not sure i will ever be. We ran down to Wendy's and back and around campus. It does not sound like that far but for me it was. I was running a lot like a month ago but i was running just around our block and its on a hill and after a while i got this huge bump on the side of my knee so i went to the doctor and its like an inflamed something that i cant remember but its from running up and down hills. Retarded i know and that would only happen to me but hopefully i can get in shape with Matt running with me!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Ok so I feel like Matt and I have not really done anything exciting. We have just been working and hanging out with each other. It is kind of nice not to have to do any homework or anything like that though. We did get to go to Richfield to see my family and go to my best friends baby shower!! It was so fun to see my family, we don't really get the chance to go down there very often. My friends baby shower was fun too! The night before i went over to her house and helped her family decorate the baby's room and it turned out so cute! It kind of made me want to have a baby but that will have to wait. We spent the 4th with matt's parents, we went to the parade and had a bbq that night with some neighbors and family. It was really nice to spend time with both our families.
This Sunday is my birthday!! I am so excited because i kind of just wanted to go shopping for my birthday so i have been trying to save money so we could go shopping. Low and behold matt has been saving money for the last little while and yesterday he gave it to me!! it was like 600 dollars. I am not spending even a 4th of it (most of it is going to fix both of our cars) but he was also trying to make a point that we can just live off my paycheck and put his in savings when he gets it! But i am excited to go shopping with some of that money!!! :)
This Sunday is my birthday!! I am so excited because i kind of just wanted to go shopping for my birthday so i have been trying to save money so we could go shopping. Low and behold matt has been saving money for the last little while and yesterday he gave it to me!! it was like 600 dollars. I am not spending even a 4th of it (most of it is going to fix both of our cars) but he was also trying to make a point that we can just live off my paycheck and put his in savings when he gets it! But i am excited to go shopping with some of that money!!! :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Well i went to Walmart tonight and as i walk out of the doors this guy is like hey, you are pretty. I was like AAHHH.. ....... Thanks. Like what do i say. I was trying not to talk to him but he started talking to me and following me. He was a scary looking guy too. (sorry if that sounds judgmental) anyways so i stood outside by the doors for like 20 min. I didn't know what to do because i was alone and i didn't want to seem scared so i just tried to keep my cool but inside i was panicking. I told him i was waiting for my husband to come pick me up because he just ran to radio shack, which was a lie but i did not want him coming back to my car. But thankfully some guy came and got him away from me. I was going to go back in the store i just was in panic mode and was just trying to not cry. Seriously it was so scary though. I am so glad some guy came along and saved me! When i got home i just broke down in tears, matt just gave me a hug and sat with me till i calmed down. (I am so glad i have matt!!) Anyways there's my story.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Temple Experience
On May 28th Matt and I where sealed in the LDS St. George Temple. It was such an amazing day!! I was super nervous when when arrived just because i didn't really know what to expect. Matt and I where both taking out our endowments and right after we where scheduled to be sealed together. I was so nervous when i went back to change and it was just me. After the first part they had to sit me down and calm me down cause i was so nervous and shaky but once my mom got to come back i felt a little better but i was still nervous. We sat and talked in a little room and it was just a good experience for me and my mom. Once I got to see Matt right before the session started i felt so much more calm and i was not nervous. I was just so excited to see him!! We went through the session and honestly I am not sure i remember a whole lot but i remember i just felt the spirit so strong, it really was amazing.
Matt taking me through the Vail was probably the most emotional part of the whole thing. I had a hard time keeping it together but Matt really struggled. Once he brought me though he just started crying.. like really crying. It was so sweet because Matt does not cry, ever. In the sealing room he just could not hold it together and i was having such a hard time. I think we where just so overwhelmed by the hole experience and seriously it was hard to not have such strong emotions. During the sealing i just felt so much love from everyone in the room and it was nice to have family and friends there. When i saw Matt crying i think i fell so much more in love with him or at least closer to him. (not that i didn't love him before) It really brought us closer together and i am so happy we are now sealed together for time and all eternity!
After we went to a park just down the street with everyone to eat dinner/lunch. It was fun to be able to talk with everyone especially people i don't get to see a lot. We ate sandwiches and had cake which was so yummy. Thanks everyone who came.. and parents for the food. :)
Matt taking me through the Vail was probably the most emotional part of the whole thing. I had a hard time keeping it together but Matt really struggled. Once he brought me though he just started crying.. like really crying. It was so sweet because Matt does not cry, ever. In the sealing room he just could not hold it together and i was having such a hard time. I think we where just so overwhelmed by the hole experience and seriously it was hard to not have such strong emotions. During the sealing i just felt so much love from everyone in the room and it was nice to have family and friends there. When i saw Matt crying i think i fell so much more in love with him or at least closer to him. (not that i didn't love him before) It really brought us closer together and i am so happy we are now sealed together for time and all eternity!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Graduation and Aniversary
So Matt finally graduated college!!! He graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Justice. He did so good. He graduated Magna Cum Laude!! I am so jealous that he is done with school. I guess i only have one more semester so its not that bad but i just wish i was done two. I did take some pictures of his graduation by my camera is a fossil so they all turned out blurry so i am just not going to post them.
Our one year anniversary was Sunday. The night before we went on a date to chillies and it was so so yummy. We thought about going somewhere but we kind of just wanted to stay home and hang out together. Sunday we mad a Philly cheese steak pizza. It was not as good as it looked but it was still ok, we even got out candles and sparkling cider. :) We then got out the top layer of our cake and tasted it. It was kind of gross so we just kind of ended up making a mess. ha ha. It was fun to just hang out we never have time to do that. I can't believe we have been married a year already. Its so weird how time goes so fast. We also made some brownies just out of a box but something went wrong. I am not really sure how we could mess up simple brownies but they seriously were rock hard and it was impossible to get them out of the pan. Matt scrapped and scrapped and got like 4 brownies out of the whole thing.
Our one year anniversary was Sunday. The night before we went on a date to chillies and it was so so yummy. We thought about going somewhere but we kind of just wanted to stay home and hang out together. Sunday we mad a Philly cheese steak pizza. It was not as good as it looked but it was still ok, we even got out candles and sparkling cider. :) We then got out the top layer of our cake and tasted it. It was kind of gross so we just kind of ended up making a mess. ha ha. It was fun to just hang out we never have time to do that. I can't believe we have been married a year already. Its so weird how time goes so fast. We also made some brownies just out of a box but something went wrong. I am not really sure how we could mess up simple brownies but they seriously were rock hard and it was impossible to get them out of the pan. Matt scrapped and scrapped and got like 4 brownies out of the whole thing.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Glad to Be Home!!!
Well Matt and I have seriously been all over the south western United States in under 48 hours. It was really insane. This weekend we went with my boss to a dental convention in Reno Nevada. It was fun but I am sure glad to be home. It started out at 2 in the morning Friday morning. We went to bed at midnight that night so we slept for about an hour. I am not really sure why we even went to be. We did plan on sleeping on the way to Vegas in the van but everyone was talking so we really only got about an hour. We borded a plane to San Fransisco where we had a lay over. It was kind of bitter sweet because that is the closest to home Matt has been in about 3 years. I know he secretly wished we where just staying there but we got on a plane about an hour after landing and flew to Reno. We got there about 1 but could not get in our rooms till 3 so we went to go get something to eat. On the way there we went through down town and it was kinda scary. We passed a store called the "Black Hole" which was a piercing shop. It became a joke through the whole trip but i was an eye opener thats for sure.
We got in our rooms, unloaded our stuff and went down to the exhibit hall. It was cool to meet the people that we get our supply's from and learn about all the new products that are coming out. Matt was kind of bored but i think he had fun trying to collect as many pens as possible. We stayed there till 7 and everyone of us was super beyond tired because all of us where running on about 3-4 hours of sleep or less. My boss took us to dinner and it was so yummy. We went to a buffet that was in our hotel. It was really nice of them because the dinner cost was bout 20 dollars a person. Then we went up to our room for much needed sleep
The next morning my boss and i had a class to take on Implant Supported Dentures. Most of the information was completely over my head but it was cool to go to. I think i was the only one in the class under 40. After that we drove over to Virgina City. It is where the Comstock mining boom was for silver. They still have all the stores there and even wooden side walks! It was cool to go visit and we ate some of the best food i have ever had there. Here are some pictures:
Anyways after that we went to the airport and got on a plane to Phoenix AR, where our lay over was. We actually flew over Las Vegas so it was kind of counter productive. Then we got on a plane that was parked right next to the Arizona Cardinals plane, so that was kind of cool. We got into Vegas and i was so happy we did not have to get on another plane. We got home at about 1:30 so it was about 48 hours we where gone and we got total of 10 hours of sleep but it was fun. I am sure glad to be home though, i don't want to go to work tomorrow though :(
We got in our rooms, unloaded our stuff and went down to the exhibit hall. It was cool to meet the people that we get our supply's from and learn about all the new products that are coming out. Matt was kind of bored but i think he had fun trying to collect as many pens as possible. We stayed there till 7 and everyone of us was super beyond tired because all of us where running on about 3-4 hours of sleep or less. My boss took us to dinner and it was so yummy. We went to a buffet that was in our hotel. It was really nice of them because the dinner cost was bout 20 dollars a person. Then we went up to our room for much needed sleep
The next morning my boss and i had a class to take on Implant Supported Dentures. Most of the information was completely over my head but it was cool to go to. I think i was the only one in the class under 40. After that we drove over to Virgina City. It is where the Comstock mining boom was for silver. They still have all the stores there and even wooden side walks! It was cool to go visit and we ate some of the best food i have ever had there. Here are some pictures:
Anyways after that we went to the airport and got on a plane to Phoenix AR, where our lay over was. We actually flew over Las Vegas so it was kind of counter productive. Then we got on a plane that was parked right next to the Arizona Cardinals plane, so that was kind of cool. We got into Vegas and i was so happy we did not have to get on another plane. We got home at about 1:30 so it was about 48 hours we where gone and we got total of 10 hours of sleep but it was fun. I am sure glad to be home though, i don't want to go to work tomorrow though :(
Friday, April 15, 2011
So our month is pack full of vacations and I am so excited!!!
VACATION 1:Last weekend we went to St. George and stayed the night just to get away. It was kind of an interesting experience. The hotel we stayed in gave us a smoking room because they said that we booked a smoking room which we didn't but we just decided to tough it out. The worst part about the room was we had a joining room and the door didn't lock so the other people could just walk right in our room but they didn't thankfully. It sounds like it would have been a bad trip but it was so fun. We just made the best of it and we had a really good weekend.
It starts next Thursday Matt and i are going to go pet sit at his parents house because they are going to his brothers graduation at BYU! We just staying the night till Friday but it will be fun. Friday night we are going to Mesquite till Sunday with my family for easter!! I am so excited to be able to go lay out at the pool and spend some time with my family. :)
The weekend after easter (29th and 30th) my boss is flying Matt and I, Him and his wife, Mom (bosses mom), Brother (bosses brother), and another Lab guy from cedar to Reno for a dental lab show! We leave at like 2 in the morning from here to get on a plan in Las Vegas. Stay over night in Reno and then come back Saturday night. It will probably be a long two days but i will be fun hopefully.
After we get back from that then we only have finals week left! I am so glad this semester is almost over, it has been the hardest semester yet. Matt graduates on the 6th and then i will graduate in December, Yay!!. Then on the 15th is our 1 year anniversary :) this year has flown by. We are also going to the Temple in May!!.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
So Busy
Matt and I have been so busy. We barley get to see each other, it is so sad. This week has been the worst. Both of us have been getting off at 6:00 and seriously we have like 3 hours left in the day to to homework, eat dinner, clean up the house and try and spend some time together. Matt has also been playing in a racket ball tournament this week. He has been playing from 6-8. it was fun to watch him play but i felt like i didn't even get to see him. We both have had tons of homework and tests this week. Seriously we are both just like mentally drained by like 9:00 and we just go to bed (we get up at like 5:30) I can not wait till school is done! There will be so much less stress in my life with out school. Matt graduates this semester, he is so lucky. I graduate in December so i don't have that long but i am doing my minor and i hate it. I decided to do psychology as my minor because it was super fast and i just want to be done. I feel like psychology causes me so much stress. I just wish we were done with school and we didn't have to work so late. :(
Sunday, March 27, 2011
New Family Member :)
So this Saturday Matt and I added a new member to our family! We bought a baby hamster! Seriously she is super cute. The place we live does not allow pets but we have one. She is super small, she is smaller than the like spoon part of a small spoon. She is a little nervous but she is starting to warm up to us. Her name is Chloe, for a while she was named Sophie but we changed it this morning to Chloe, ha ha. Anyways it should be fun.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Such a GOOD DAY!!
So today was seriously one of the best days i have ever had. Matt and I were both in really good moods. We woke up early and went to the gym. I kind of have a hard time getting up but it really was not that bad. Work went by so fast and everything i was working on was going smoothly (nothing ever goes smoothly at work) School even went by fast and a class Matt and i had together got canceled so we decided to go get a treat. We went and got bread sticks from little cezars and then a frosty from Wendy's. Matt had a job interview today and he said it went really well. Its just like a secretary ish kind of job but his other two are ending in April so it would be really nice if he got this job. It also comes with health insurance and seriously that would be so good. When i went back to work after school my boss told me they are giving me a DOLLAR raise!! seriously i don't know what could make for a better day.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Date Night :)
So last night we went to St. George with our neighbors that live above us. It was so fun!! We went to dinner at olive garden and it was so good!! Then we went to Fiesta Fun. It was the first time any of us had ever been there and it was pretty fun. I think the Go-Carts were my favorite! We played miniature golf and we spent our tokens in the batting cages. I was a little nervous but i hit 13-15 balls, i was kind of surprised. It was so fun to go out on a date and i loved the warm weather in St. George, it makes me wish we lived there instead of cedar. We wanted to take our camera but we can not find the battery charger so we just took some pictures with our phones. Some of these pictures are a blurry but oh well.
Matt started out good a miniature golf and
then did horrible at the end.
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Our Neighbor Kristina |
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Matt's favorite thing was the batting cages! |
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