Jaxon is now 3 weeks old. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital. He has been such a good baby so far. He does not really cry to much and he does its more of like a whimper. I am not going to lie this is one of the hardest things I have ever done but its so worth it. I love it when he is sleeping and smiles or makes funny faces. Last week was a hard week for me because I hadn't gotten much sleep but Thursday morning I woke up with Jaxon to feed him and all of a sudden i didn't really feel so great. I had to put him down and go to the bathroom. I was so sick and in pain. I didn't know what was going on. Then i started bleeding like crazy. Then I all of a sudden here comes what looks like a huge blood clot, and i mean huge. At least 6 inches long, not even kidding. I actually had to pull it out my self and then i started bleeding really bad, so bad i felt like was going to pass out. All the while Jaxon is crying in his crib because he was hungry. I felt so bad that I could not feed him. So i called my husband to see what I should do and he said probably go the the er. So i called my sister in law to come get me and my mother in law to meet us at the hospital. I was really shaky and cold and I was nervous i was going to pass out because that's what was happening to me when i was in labor. Anyways we got there and they took me in and did a whole bunch of tests and they figured out my placenta had a probe grow off of it and that's what made an appearance that morning. So they kept me there to keep me on an IV and make sure my blood pressure would stay up. Mean while my mother in law took Jaxon back to our house. I was so sad he we had to separate but i knew it was for the best. I did not want him to get sick and i could not take very good care of him. After all that i felt like i had a baby again. I was so warn out and I could hardly walk. Thank goodness for my mother in law and my mom. They came to my rescue. They took care of Jaxon at night for a few days so I could rest. I was so thankful, not because I don't want to take care of him but I knew i needed help to get me back on track so i could take care of him again. Anyways things are much better now and we just love having Jaxon. Its so weird to think we went two and a half years without having him. You always here people say oh I can't imagine life with out him. Its really true i can't. I don't know what i did with all my time before but it just seems like i did nothing important before. Now I feel like I am actually doing something with my time that is worth something. If we didn't have him I would probably get more sleep but I would never trade for anything. I just love being a mom, even though I have had my break downs it so worth it.
Here a just a few pictures we have taken of him:
So cute. He is adorable. I an so glad you are doing better. I can't imagine life without them either even though i do miss my sleep ha.