I know its a little late but I just want to make a record of what happened in this past year:
Matt was living in Phoenix, still at the police academy. I was working still but I was done with school, thank goodness. This was the longest time Matt and I would have to be apart. I got to go down and see him during Christmas but I would not get to see him till March. :(
This was a long month for me. Matt and I had been apart for so long. The police academy was getting better for Matt. They finally got to do fun stuff like learning to drive on a driving track, learn defensive skills, and just do more hands on stuff then they have.
I finally got to fly down and see Matt for 3 days! Its went by so fast but i knew i would get so see him in April because that's when he would graduate from the academy!!!
On April 6th Matt officially became a Police officer for the State of Arizona!!! I was so proud of him and I am glad i got to see him graduate and pin his badge on him. His parents, grandma Jean and sister drove down with me to his gradation. I was so glad they got to see him graduate and see what he had been doing for the past 5 months. He also got to come home finally!!! We also found out at the end of this month that we would be having a baby at Christmas time!!
I finally Graduated from college. I received a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in psychology. What I plan to do with my degree, well I have no idea. Our poor little red car broke down. We could have fixed it but it would have cost more money to fix it then the car was worth plus we wanted to by a new car because neither of our cars had 4 doors. (with a baby on the way that was a must.) So we bought t new car!!! (well new for us but used car to to be clear)
We had our first Doctors appointment to since we found out we were pregnant. We chose Dr. Bilanzich, I was kinda nervous about the appointment but after meeting our doctor and talking with him I felt that we had chosen the right doctor for us. He was very understanding. I was so nervous about the first ultrasound (i was even crying) and Matt had to leave because he was going to pass out. But when I first heard our baby's heart beat and he was healthy I was so excited and relieved.
My 22nd birthday! I really was not that excited. I just feel like 22 is so much older then 21.
We were going to the doctors once a month. Each time I was worried we would not be able to find a heart beat but each time it was strong and healthy. We found out we were having a boy!! Matt brother Anthony also got married this month. It was so exciting to watch him marry his sweetheart!
Um.. nothing much really happened this month. Just work. We did start aggressively looking for a house to buy in St. George.
Matt would officially be employed with the state of Arizona for a year this month. It was exciting because he would be off probation and get a raise! Matt's other brother who married a girl in El Salvador a year and half ago was now legal to come to the U.S. and we finally got to meet her.
It was getting closer to my due date!! We started going to the doctors every two weeks now! It seemed to come so fast.
This was a big month for us. At the first of the month we found a house we loved and we put a bid in on it and they accepted!! We are so excited. It has not closed yet we still have another week but still it's exiting. We had a baby shower at my mother in laws house! We got so much stuff and I was so thankful for everyone that came! My due date was fast approaching but at our doctors appointments I was not dilated or effaced at all. So it looked like Jaxon would not be here till 2013. We made a date for me to get induced on the 2nd. Well all of a sudden Jaxon decided to come and he was born on December 26th 2012. We became parents! What a great ending to such a great year!
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